Add Interviewer (Chair)

    Please enter the below information to add an interviewer to your roster. Please note, the radio buttons will not work. These are for Maeve to use to activate interviewers.

    After you use this form, Maeve will be automatically notified of the interviewer's addition and will send them the eligibility form.

    If this person already interviews for your club and you cannot see them, please consult your exportable interviewer spreadsheet rather than adding them again. This creates duplicate interviewer accounts and confuses the system. To activate these interviewers already on your roster, you may email them the link to the eligibility form provided in this exported document.

    If you remember adding this person previously but they have not yet appeared as active in the portal, please do not add them a second time. This creates duplicate interviewer accounts. Ask them to search their email for a communication from with the subject line "Welcome to interviewing for Harvard College" as it contains the link to their eligibility form
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address